Our Goals

  1. To describe how severely the Palestinian people are of sufferance and, thus, remind the Muslims of their duties toward their brothers in Palestine;
  2. To collect donations for the Palestinian people by all the permissible and available means; and
  3. To sponsor and protect orphans from both homelessness and lack of knowledge.
  1. بيان حجم المعاناة التي يتعرض لها الشعب الفلسطيني وتذكير الناس بواجبهم تجاه أهلهم هناك .
  2. جمع التبرعات لصالح الشعب الفلسطيني بكل الوسائل المشروعة والمتاحة .
  3. كفالة الأيتام وحمايتهم من التشرد والجهل .
Title En: 
Our Goals
Body En: 
  1. To describe how severely the Palestinian people are of sufferance and, thus, remind the Muslims of their duties toward their brothers in Palestine;
  2. To collect donations for the Palestinian people by all the permissible and available means; and
  3. To sponsor and protect orphans from both homelessness and lack of knowledge.
Parent Page: 
نبذة تعريفية
Template 1