Food Aid Package

Food Aid Project is carried out throughout the year, specially in the holy month of Ramadan where it contains the most important food types.

The value of the Food Aid Package is JOD 50, which is almost USD 70.

يتم تنفيذه على مدار العام وخاصة في شهر رمضان المبارك حيث يتم توزيع طرد غذائي يحتوي على أهم أصناف الطعام اللازمة .
قيمة الطرد الغذائي 50 دينار مايعادل 70 دولار امريكي .

Title En: 
Food Aid Package
Body En: 

Food Aid Project is carried out throughout the year, specially in the holy month of Ramadan where it contains the most important food types.

The value of the Food Aid Package is JOD 50, which is almost USD 70.
