Why to Donate Via AL-MONASARA

One donates via AL-MONASARA because it:


- Is one of the most efficient charitable organizations in offerings aids and sponsoring orphans;


- Revises its financial accounts by means of a legal auditing office along with the Zakat Fund audits;


- Enables you to contact and communicate with your sponsored orphan or the person in receipt of the aids by all the available means at any time;


- Insists on having its employees well-trained on all the various Zakat questions so as to ensure the donators are rightly compliant with the Zakat regulations;


- Has professional employees who are highly competent and of long experiences in the charitable fields;


- Keeps itself away from any political activities as it is entirely limited to the charitable works;


- Has employees who believe that their work at AL-MONASARA is not merely a job but a kind of adoration to Allah upon their service of the noble issue of the Palestinian people; and


- Strives and works in a precisely scientific manner so as to ensure that the subject moneys do reach the targeted poor and in-need groups as soon as possible.

لأن "لجنة زكاة المناصرة" من أكثر المؤسسات الخيرية  كفاءة في صرف المساعدات وكفالة الايتام – بفضل الله تعالى.


لأن "لجنة زكاة المناصرة" يقوم بمراجعة حساباتها المالية مكتب تدقيق حسابات قانوني اضافة الى تدقيق صندوق الزكاة .


لأن "لجنة زكاة المناصرة" تمكنك من الاتصال والتواصل مع يتيمك المكفول أو الشخص متلقي المساعدة بجميع الوسائل المتاحة وفي أي وقت.

Title En: 
Why to Donate Via AL-MONASARA
Body En: 

One donates via AL-MONASARA because it:
- Is one of the most efficient charitable organizations in offerings aids and sponsoring orphans;
- Revises its financial accounts by means of a legal auditing office along with the Zakat Fund audits;
- Enables you to contact and communicate with your sponsored orphan or the person in receipt of the aids by all the available means at any time;
- Insists on having its employees well-trained on all the various Zakat questions so as to ensure the donators are rightly compliant with the Zakat regulations;

Body 2: 


لأن "لجنة زكاة المناصرة" تحرص على تدريب موظفيها على مسائل الزكاة المختلفة لضمان أداء المتبرعين لفريضة الزكاة على أكمل وجه.


لأن "لجنة زكاة المناصرة" لديها موظفون محترفون وعلى درجة عالية من الكفاءة والمهنية والخبرة الطويلة في العمل الخيري .


لأن "لجنة زكاة المناصرة" لا تتدخل  بأية نشاطات حزبية أو سياسية بل عملها ونشاطها خيري بحت .


لأن العاملين في "لجنة زكاة المناصرة" يؤمنون بأن عملهم في اللجنة ليس مجرد وظيفة بل عبادة يتقربون بها الى الله لأنهم يخدمون قضية سامية هي قضية الشعب الفلسطيني .


لأن "لجنة زكاة المناصرة" تجتهد وتعمل بدقة علمية متناهية لضمان أن تقع الأموال في أيدى مستحقيها ليحظى الفقير والمحتاج بأقصى قدر من المساعدة .

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- Has professional employees who are highly competent and of long experiences in the charitable fields;


- Keeps itself away from any political activities as it is entirely limited to the charitable works;


- Has employees who believe that their work at AL-MONASARA is not merely a job but a kind of adoration to Allah upon their service of the noble issue of the Palestinian people; and


- Strives and works in a precisely scientific manner so as to ensure that the subject moneys do reach the targeted poor and in-need groups as soon as possible.

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